Hodnotenie FAC #85 VETŘELEC: Covenant FULLSLIP 3D EMBOSSED Edition 3 Steelbook™ Limitovaná sběratelská edice - číslovaná (Blu-ray)

Celkom hodnotenie: 22 Priemerné hod.:  Posledný príspevok:22.6.2018
Užívateľ z e-shopu Zwies M. | 22.6.2018 12:57

Das Videoerlebnis ist ein Traum, man kann gar nicht wegschauen und den Mund bekommt man auch nicht mehr zu vor lauter Schärfe

Das Videoerlebnis ist ein Traum, man kann gar nicht wegschauen und den Mund bekommt man auch nicht mehr zu vor lauter Schärfe

Das Videoerlebnis ist ein Traum, man kann gar nicht wegschauen und den Mund bekommt man auch nicht mehr zu vor lauter Schärfe

Das Videoerlebnis ist ein Traum, man kann gar nicht wegschauen und den Mund bekommt man auch nicht mehr zu vor lauter Schärfe

Das Videoerlebnis ist ein Traum, man kann gar nicht wegschauen und den Mund bekommt man auch nicht mehr zu vor lauter Schärfe

MarcX | 5.5.2018 12:14

FilmArena Collection představuje tu nejvyšší možnou kvalitu, kterou lze v rámci filmových kolekcí na tuzemském trhu získat. Precizní práce!

Blu-ray disk po vizuální stránce nabízí prvotřídní zážitek, obraz čistý, ostrý, bez zrna. Hodnocení VYNIKAJÍCÍ.

Zvuk velmi kvalitní a na vysoké úrovni. Kolísavost úrovně hlasitosti při střídání dialogů a hudby je u tohoto snímku v naprostém pořádku a neruší.

Bonusový materiál je v rámci FilmArena Collection takřka vždy na nejvyšší možné úrovni, ani tato není výjimkou.

Velmi kvalitně zpracované Blu-ray sběratelské balení. Výhodnost koupě: 1-300Kč = 100%, 301-400Kč = 95%, 401-500Kč = 90%, 501-700Kč = 80%, 701-900Kč = 60%.

karl001 | 13.3.2018 22:52






Užívateľ z e-shopu Nikos I. | 22.12.2017 15:41





Amazing FAC for one more time. Thanks.

Užívateľ z e-shopu Xavier B. | 16.12.2017 16:37

At first time,note as the FILMARENA packages are SUPERB.On the other side stunned for that INCREDIBLE presentation.

Top image quality.The planet seems to be more terrifying than ever.Another visual nightmare from Ridley Scott.

Under my opinion and without an ATMOS player,DTS is the better sound I can found ,usually,on all presentations.

Just the only box to house the blu ray merites the purchase of it.One innovative and stunning presentation!!.

Can't be complete any ALIEN saga collection without that item included into it.Hopefully We can see more than this in the future...

Užívateľ z e-shopu Zoltán S. | 13.12.2017 23:04

I'm very satisfied with this edition. The outlook of the package is very nice, and the extra bonuses with it all pretty nice. As a FAC collector is this a must have.

I'm very satisfied with this edition. The outlook of the package is very nice, and the extra bonuses with it all pretty nice. As a FAC collector is this a must have.

I'm very satisfied with this edition. The outlook of the package is very nice, and the extra bonuses with it all pretty nice. As a FAC collector is this a must have.

I'm very satisfied with this edition. The outlook of the package is very nice, and the extra bonuses with it all pretty nice. As a FAC collector is this a must have.

I'm very satisfied with this edition. The outlook of the package is very nice, and the extra bonuses with it all pretty nice. As a FAC collector is this a must have.

Aloman | 4.12.2017 22:58

FAC Vetřelec: Covenant byla z mé strany velmi očekávána edice a dle očekávání to dopadlo: na výbornou.

Obrazová stránka disku je na velmi vysoké úrovni, jsem nadšen. Obraz je krásně ostrý, čistý, prostě kvalita jak má být.

Zvuková stránka je také na velmi vysoké úrovni. Akční scény jsou přímo fantastické, super počin. Výborná práce.

Bonusová výbava by u takového filmu jako je Vetřelec: Covenant mohla být přece jenom o něco lepší...

Vetřelec - už to slovo mám rád :) Jsem nadšen, že film vyšel v takového parádní edici a těším se na ucelenou FAC řadu celé vetřelčí série.

guri008 | 29.11.2017 10:49

Jedna sa asi o najslabsi film serie, ak by sa film nerozbehol v poslednej tretine, bol by to u mna jasny podpriemer. Exkluzivny steelbook je vsak velmi podareny, hoci by mohol byt aspon o kusok svetlejsi. Ale to je zrejme jediny problem. Technicke prevedenie filmu je bezchybne. FAC je spracovana velmi kvalitne, 3D fullslip extra vydareny.

Jedna sa asi o najslabsi film serie, ak by sa film nerozbehol v poslednej tretine, bol by to u mna jasny podpriemer. Exkluzivny steelbook je vsak velmi podareny, hoci by mohol byt aspon o kusok svetlejsi. Ale to je zrejme jediny problem. Technicke prevedenie filmu je bezchybne. FAC je spracovana velmi kvalitne, 3D fullslip extra vydareny.

Jedna sa asi o najslabsi film serie, ak by sa film nerozbehol v poslednej tretine, bol by to u mna jasny podpriemer. Exkluzivny steelbook je vsak velmi podareny, hoci by mohol byt aspon o kusok svetlejsi. Ale to je zrejme jediny problem. Technicke prevedenie filmu je bezchybne. FAC je spracovana velmi kvalitne, 3D fullslip extra vydareny.

Jedna sa asi o najslabsi film serie, ak by sa film nerozbehol v poslednej tretine, bol by to u mna jasny podpriemer. Exkluzivny steelbook je vsak velmi podareny, hoci by mohol byt aspon o kusok svetlejsi. Ale to je zrejme jediny problem. Technicke prevedenie filmu je bezchybne. FAC je spracovana velmi kvalitne, 3D fullslip extra vydareny.

Jedna sa asi o najslabsi film serie, ak by sa film nerozbehol v poslednej tretine, bol by to u mna jasny podpriemer. Exkluzivny steelbook je vsak velmi podareny, hoci by mohol byt aspon o kusok svetlejsi. Ale to je zrejme jediny problem. Technicke prevedenie filmu je bezchybne. FAC je spracovana velmi kvalitne, 3D fullslip extra vydareny.

Užívateľ z e-shopu Ullrich C. | 25.11.2017 00:13

Next TOP Ediion from Filmarena. Great PAckagin, colours / prints...nice cover .Perfect edition which don't have miss in our collection.

i can't say anything about Sounds / Video and Bobus because alle my editions are sealed. All are Holy grails :-)

i can't say anything about Sounds / Video and Bobus because alle my editions are sealed. All are Holy grails :-)

i can't say anything about Sounds / Video and Bobus because alle my editions are sealed. All are Holy grails :-)

Perfect Edition. Please check all unboxing videos for this next grails. Hope FA will produce same editions withidentic Artworks/Gimmicks and more. But only the quantity is to much for all. FA could produce a lower releases

stu | 17.11.2017 18:48

Balení je dokonalé díky Filmareně.

Po obrazové stránce nemám co bych vytknul.

Po zvukové stránce rovněž nemám co bych vytknul.

Bonusů je tu tak akorát a obsahují cz titulky.

Film je slušný ve svém žánru a mohu jej doporučit.

Užívateľ z e-shopu Seung ho L. | 16.11.2017 05:50

5 stars (especially, the slip is very impressive)

5 stars

4.5 stars

4 stars

4.5 stars

Užívateľ z e-shopu Wang G. | 7.11.2017 08:16

I think this item was very good. Because the package was very beautiful and the disc was very clean. And I find the bonus was very heavy and the book was very interesting. So I like it so much. Thanks for your corperation to give me this perfect item. I am very glad to receive it. I'm very glad to hope buy the other item like this one. Perfect!

I think this item was very good. Because the package was very beautiful and the disc was very clean. And I find the bonus was very heavy and the book was very interesting. So I like it so much. Thanks for your corperation to give me this perfect item. I am very glad to receive it. I'm very glad to hope buy the other item like this one. Perfect!

I think this item was very good. Because the package was very beautiful and the disc was very clean. And I find the bonus was very heavy and the book was very interesting. So I like it so much. Thanks for your corperation to give me this perfect item. I am very glad to receive it. I'm very glad to hope buy the other item like this one. Perfect!

I think this item was very good. Because the package was very beautiful and the disc was very clean. And I find the bonus was very heavy and the book was very interesting. So I like it so much. Thanks for your corperation to give me this perfect item. I am very glad to receive it. I'm very glad to hope buy the other item like this one. Perfect!

I think this item was very good. Because the package was very beautiful and the disc was very clean. And I find the bonus was very heavy and the book was very interesting. So I like it so much. Thanks for your corperation to give me this perfect item. I am very glad to receive it. I'm very glad to hope buy the other item like this one. Perfect!

Užívateľ z e-shopu Wang G. | 7.11.2017 08:16

I think this item was very good. Because the package was very beautiful and the disc was very clean. And I find the bonus was very heavy and the book was very interesting. So I like it so much. Thanks for your corperation to give me this perfect item. I am very glad to receive it. I'm very glad to hope buy the other item like this one. Perfect!

I think this item was very good. Because the package was very beautiful and the disc was very clean. And I find the bonus was very heavy and the book was very interesting. So I like it so much. Thanks for your corperation to give me this perfect item. I am very glad to receive it. I'm very glad to hope buy the other item like this one. Perfect!

I think this item was very good. Because the package was very beautiful and the disc was very clean. And I find the bonus was very heavy and the book was very interesting. So I like it so much. Thanks for your corperation to give me this perfect item. I am very glad to receive it. I'm very glad to hope buy the other item like this one. Perfect!

I think this item was very good. Because the package was very beautiful and the disc was very clean. And I find the bonus was very heavy and the book was very interesting. So I like it so much. Thanks for your corperation to give me this perfect item. I am very glad to receive it. I'm very glad to hope buy the other item like this one. Perfect!

I think this item was very good. Because the package was very beautiful and the disc was very clean. And I find the bonus was very heavy and the book was very interesting. So I like it so much. Thanks for your corperation to give me this perfect item. I am very glad to receive it. I'm very glad to hope buy the other item like this one. Perfect!

bearlol | 6.11.2017 20:54

As always a package with an exemplary protection which is of rigour for this very beautiful edition which really is successful. Thank you very much for the polystyrene protection, it is really essential for Steelbooks. Parcel in conformity has my waitings like by the speed of company DHL.

Steelbook still packed for the moment, therefore not of notation for the video as for the sound but that will be done soon, without forgetting the no-claims bonus which will be also viewed as soon as that is possible.

Steelbook still packed for the moment, therefore not of notation for the video as for the sound but that will be done soon, without forgetting the no-claims bonus which will be also viewed as soon as that is possible.

Steelbook still packed for the moment, therefore not of notation for the video as for the sound but that will be done soon, without forgetting the no-claims bonus which will be also viewed as soon as that is possible.

Once again, I thank you much for your work, it is always a pleasure of receiving a very beautiful edition. But even more important when the products are good qualities. Good continuation and made us of the titles which dissociates competition.

PYROS | 1.11.2017 13:31

Nádherné balení s naprosto perfektním filmem, steelbook je perfektní, zvuk i obraz dokonalý. děkuji.

Nádherné balení s naprosto perfektním filmem, steelbook je perfektní, zvuk i obraz dokonalý. děkuji.

Nádherné balení s naprosto perfektním filmem, steelbook je perfektní, zvuk i obraz dokonalý. děkuji.

Nádherné balení s naprosto perfektním filmem, steelbook je perfektní, zvuk i obraz dokonalý. děkuji.

Nádherné balení s naprosto perfektním filmem, steelbook je perfektní, zvuk i obraz dokonalý. děkuji.

Užívateľ z e-shopu BEAL A. | 31.10.2017 14:59

výborný !! super !!!




důvěryhodné webové stránky.
Vážný personál.
FILMARENA Miluji to !!!!!

Ice07 | 31.10.2017 09:25

Balení hodnotím jako opět jedno z top edic, opravdu moc povedené, skvělá práce celýho týmu Filmareny.

Jedná se o nový snímek, takže obraz je naprosto dobrý, nemám žádných výhrad, vše je dobře viditelné.

Po zvukové stránce také nemám co bych vytknul, originální stopa je skvěle namixována a český dabing je také povedený.

Bonusy jsem ještě neviděl, tak doufám, že tam nějaké :-) jsou a doufám, že budou mít i nějaké české titulky

Celkově hodotím tuto edici 3 embosovanou jako velmi podařenou věc, skvěle odvedená práce. Doporučuji všem.

polux2 | 30.10.2017 21:12

Hardbox: ne. Steelbook: ano. Fullslip: ano. Rukavek: ne. Debos/imbos: ano. Menu: videosekvencni. Lokalizace menu: ne. Vnitrni artwork: ano. Pocet disku: 1. 2D: ano. 3D: ne. Dabing: ano. Titulky: ano. Bonusy: ano. Titulky u bonusu: ano.

Hardbox: ne. Steelbook: ano. Fullslip: ano. Rukavek: ne. Debos/imbos: ano. Menu: videosekvencni. Lokalizace menu: ne. Vnitrni artwork: ano. Pocet disku: 1. 2D: ano. 3D: ne. Dabing: ano. Titulky: ano. Bonusy: ano. Titulky u bonusu: ano.

Hardbox: ne. Steelbook: ano. Fullslip: ano. Rukavek: ne. Debos/imbos: ano. Menu: videosekvencni. Lokalizace menu: ne. Vnitrni artwork: ano. Pocet disku: 1. 2D: ano. 3D: ne. Dabing: ano. Titulky: ano. Bonusy: ano. Titulky u bonusu: ano.

Hardbox: ne. Steelbook: ano. Fullslip: ano. Rukavek: ne. Debos/imbos: ano. Menu: videosekvencni. Lokalizace menu: ne. Vnitrni artwork: ano. Pocet disku: 1. 2D: ano. 3D: ne. Dabing: ano. Titulky: ano. Bonusy: ano. Titulky u bonusu: ano.

Hardbox: ne. Steelbook: ano. Fullslip: ano. Rukavek: ne. Debos/imbos: ano. Menu: videosekvencni. Lokalizace menu: ne. Vnitrni artwork: ano. Pocet disku: 1. 2D: ano. 3D: ne. Dabing: ano. Titulky: ano. Bonusy: ano. Titulky u bonusu: ano.

stano | 30.10.2017 16:44

- bez komentára -

- bez komentára -

- bez komentára -

- bez komentára -

Užívateľ z e-shopu Lorenzini B. | 30.10.2017 11:05

Encore une fois un très bon travail de la part de la Filmarena Team Une édition exceptionnelle comme d'habitude

Encore une fois un très bon travail de la part de la Filmarena Team Une édition exceptionnelle comme d'habitude

Encore une fois un très bon travail de la part de la Filmarena Team Une édition exceptionnelle comme d'habitude

Encore une fois un très bon travail de la part de la Filmarena Team Une édition exceptionnelle comme d'habitude

Encore une fois un très bon travail de la part de la Filmarena Team Une édition exceptionnelle comme d'habitude

Užívateľ z e-shopu Pal J. | 30.10.2017 08:17

This item is very fantastic edition. Beautiful and special blu ray product from you. Thank you Filmarena!!!

The films' video quality is very good. This film bring us the expected picture quality. The light and dark scenes are clear and contoured.

Audio is good. The original (English) and hungarian audo track is ok, good quality. The soundtrack follow the old alien films' tradition.

All bonus things (on the disc and next to blu ray edition were a lot of very good cards, booklet and fantastic 3D cover) are fantastic.

My son and me are a big alien fans. We were looking forward to the release of this FAC item. We were lucky because of we could order one of them. This is the embossed 3D version and surpassed our expectations the really 3D cover. Like a statue... It is very beautiful! The film is good for us too.

Užívateľ z e-shopu MARCUS G. | 29.10.2017 13:02

EXCELLENT PACKAGE.It comes in a very sturdy box even with a printed inside and the embossed cover is just so very well designed.comes with a limited edition numbered card that is displayed on the back.The steelbook design is fantastic with a great design and very high gloss finish.Inside the steelbook is the small art cards very well packaged also inside is the very clever designed character art cards and on the back of them a "puzzle " design of one of the posters.Also contains a thick booklet with very nice photos.

The cover art on the disc is very good And the film was i thought very underated and one of the best in my opinion on 2017.

Excellent sound quality.7.1 DTS in 9 countrys commentary by director Ridley scott.subtitles in over 9 countries also comes multi region playback ABC.

excellent bonuses deleted and extended scenes very good Ridley scott Master class documentary and production galllery.

This is a superb very limited overall package that i pre-ordered on announcement day.Well worth the wait because of all the extras that are inside another great release from Filmarena